Directions to King of King Preschool, Renton, WA
King of Kings Preschool in Renton, Washington is conveniently located on the west side of Benson Hwy / 108th Ave SE, just two minutes south of SE Petrovitsky Rd / SE Carr Rd / SE 43rd Rd, and Fred Meyer, next to King of Kings Lutheran Church.
There are three driveways into the church/preschool property. Please use a driveway on the south side, drive past the front of the church, turn right, drive past the alcove, then turn right again (at the property line). The preschool entry will be a short distance on your right. Please park diagonally along the walkway and walk with your children to the entrance near the sheep sign.
18207 108th Ave SE
Renton, WA 98055
8 AM – 3 PM Mon – Fri
King of Kings Preschool, 18207 108th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98055